HAWA PUROLINO PLUS 80 Hardware system for sliding glass doors

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From €1,009.45

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PUROLINO PLUS 80 fitting set without track for 1 leaf   €572.54
PUROLINO PLUS 80 track set   €354.25
PUROLINO PLUS 80 template for laminated glass   €82.67

Price as configured €1,009.45

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HAWA PUROLINO PLUS 80 mehānismu sistēma bīdāmajām stikla durvīm

Ražotājs - HAWA (Šveice)

Smalks, elegants dizains un neierobežota stikla transparence bez redzamām tehniskām detaļām mūsdienīgi gaumīgām dzīvojamajām telpām, restorāniem, viesnīcām, iestādēm, konferenču zālēm u.c. telpām, kur nepieciešams caurredzams telpas sadalījums. PUROLINO PLUS 80 piedāvā ne tikai augstu bīdīšanas komfortu, bet arī izcili ērtu montāžu. Pateicoties augstvērtīgajai lodīšu gultņu tehnoloģijai, līdz pat 80 kg smagas stikla durvis slīd vienmērīgi un gandrīz nedzirdami, bez mazākās vibrācijas. Kontrolētu bremzēšanas procesu un maigu apstāšanos nodrošina HAWA SoftMove mehānisms.
  • bīdāmo mehānismu sistēma stikla durvīm līdz 80 kg
  • montāža pie griestiem vai sienas
  • ar augšējo vadību un virspusē montējamu vai griestos integrējamu sliedi
  • ķīļveida iekares tehnoloģija vienkārša montāžai un ātrai augstuma regulēšanai
  • augstuma regulēšana pieejama katrā laikā no apakšas
  • visi tehniskie elementi pilnībā integrēti sliedē
  • drošs, stabils stikla vērtnes un bīdāmās  sistēmas konstrukcijas savienojums
  • augstvētīga lodīšu gultņu tehnoloģija 
  • augsta lietošanas drošība un slīdēšanas stabilitāte bez grabēšanas un vibrācijas
  • sliedē integrēts SoftMove mehānisms maigai bremzēšanai un vērtnes ievilkšanai gala pozīcijā

Tehniskie dati

  • maksimālais vērtnes svars: 80 kg
  • vērtnes materiāls - stikls
  • montāža: pie griestiem / pie sienas / integrēta griestos
  • stikla biezums: 8 - 12,7mm
  • maksimālais vērtnes augstums: 3000 mm
  • maksimālais vērtnes platums: 3000 mm
  • maksimālais kopējais atvēruma platums: 2950 mm
  • minimālais vērtnes platums: 600 mm (bez SoftMove) / 850 mm (ar abpusēju SoftMove)
  • regulējams montāžas augstums ± 3 mm 
  • sliedē integrēts SoftMove bremzēšanas mehānisms
  • divdaļīga, stabila grīdas vadotne
  • pie sliedes pieskrūvējams stacionārā stikla elementa profils
  • 2-punktu rullīšu mehānismi ar plastmasas pārklājuma lodīšu gultņu rullīšiem
  • vienkārši uzspiežami un noņemami nosegprofili 
  • opcionāli papildu vertikālie profili salaidumam ar sienu un sistēmas aizslēgšanai
  • sliežu un nosegprofilu standarta izmēri: 2500 mm vai 6000 mm, vai piegriežama pēc individuāliem izmēriem
  • sliežu un visu redzamo profilu virsmas apstrāde: alumīnijs anodēts / alumīnijs anodēts nerūsējošā tērauda tonī

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  • Products
  • Price
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  1. PUROLINO PLUS 80 template for fully tempered laminated glass, 2x5 mm
    PUROLINO PLUS 80 template for fully tempered laminated glass, 2x5 mm
    Code: SB00019558
    Art. Nr.: 25555
    From €82.67
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  2. PUROLINO PLUS 80 template for fully tempered laminated glass, 2x6 mm
    PUROLINO PLUS 80 template for fully tempered laminated glass, 2x6 mm
    Code: SB00024063
    Art. Nr.: 25556
    From €82.67
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  3. PUROLINO PLUS 80 profile set for fixed glass, 2500 mm, anodized
    PUROLINO PLUS 80 profile set for fixed glass, 2500 mm, anodized
    Code: SB00024071
    Art. Nr.: 24159
    From €190.08
    In Stock: 0 kit
    Visma Quote
  4. PUROLINO PLUS 80 profile set for fixed glass, 2500 mm, stainless steel look
    PUROLINO PLUS 80 profile set for fixed glass, 2500 mm, stainless steel look
    Code: SB00024073
    Art. Nr.: 24160
    From €271.20
    In Stock: 0 kit
    Visma Quote
  5. PUROLINO PLUS 80 top track set for integrated ceiling mounting, 2500 mm, anodized
    PUROLINO PLUS 80 top track set for integrated ceiling mounting, 2500 mm, anodized
    Code: SB00024067
    Art. Nr.: 24155
    From €354.25
    In Stock: 0 kit
    Visma Quote
  6. PUROLINO PLUS 80 top track set for integrated ceiling mounting, 2500 mm, stainless steel look
    PUROLINO PLUS 80 top track set for integrated ceiling mounting, 2500 mm, stainless steel look
    Code: SB00024068
    Art. Nr.: 24156
    From €438.48
    In Stock: 0 kit
    Visma Quote
  7. PUROLINO PLUS 80 top track set for ceiling mounting and fixed glass profile, 2500 mm, anodized
    PUROLINO PLUS 80 top track set for ceiling mounting and fixed glass profile, 2500 mm, anodized
    Code: SB00024069
    Art. Nr.: 24157
    From €380.91
    In Stock: 0 kit
    Visma Quote
  8. PUROLINO PLUS 80 top track set for ceiling mounting and fixed glass profile, 2500 mm, stainless steel look
    PUROLINO PLUS 80 top track set for ceiling mounting and fixed glass profile, 2500 mm, stainless steel look
    Code: SB00024070
    Art. Nr.: 24158
    From €464.94
    In Stock: 0 kit
    Visma Quote
  9. PUROLINO PLUS 80 top track set for ceiling mounting, 2500 mm, anodized
    PUROLINO PLUS 80 top track set for ceiling mounting, 2500 mm, anodized
    Code: SB00024065
    Art. Nr.: 24153
    From €380.91
    In Stock: 0 kit
    Visma Quote
  10. PUROLINO PLUS 80 PUROLINO PLUS 80 top track set for ceiling mounting, 2500 mm, stainless steel look
    PUROLINO PLUS 80 PUROLINO PLUS 80 top track set for ceiling mounting, 2500 mm, stainless steel look
    Code: SB00024066
    Art. Nr.: 24154
    From €464.94
    In Stock: 0 kit
    Visma Quote
  11. PUROLINO PLUS 80 top track set for wall mounting, 2500 mm, anodized
    PUROLINO PLUS 80 top track set for wall mounting, 2500 mm, anodized
    Code: SB00024064
    Art. Nr.: 24151
    From €380.91
    In Stock: 0 kit
    Visma Quote
  12. PUROLINO PLUS 80 top track set for wall mounting, 2500 mm, stainless steel look
    PUROLINO PLUS 80 top track set for wall mounting, 2500 mm, stainless steel look
    Code: SB00008540
    Art. Nr.: 24152
    From €465.45
    In Stock: 0 kit
    Visma Quote
  13. PUROLINO PLUS 80 template for fully tempered laminated glass, 2x4 mm
    PUROLINO PLUS 80 template for fully tempered laminated glass, 2x4 mm
    Code: SB00024062
    Art. Nr.: 25554
    From €82.67
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  14. PUROLINO PLUS 80 set for 1 panel, without track, anodized, with double-sided soft closing mechanism
    PUROLINO PLUS 80 set for 1 panel, without track, anodized, with double-sided soft closing mechanism
    Code: SB00008575
    Art. Nr.: 25550
    From €1,003.72
    In Stock: 0 set
    Visma Quote
  15. PUROLINO PLUS 80, bīdāmo durvju grt.1 vērtnei bez sliedes, ar abpusēju Soft Move, nerūs.tērauda toni
    PUROLINO PLUS 80, bīdāmo durvju grt.1 vērtnei bez sliedes, ar abpusēju Soft Move, nerūs.tērauda toni
    Code: SB00008576
    Art. Nr.: 25552
    From €1,019.64
    In Stock: 0 set
    Visma Quote
  16. PUROLINO PLUS 80 set for 1 panel, without track, anodized, no soft closing mechanism
    PUROLINO PLUS 80 set for 1 panel, without track, anodized, no soft closing mechanism
    Code: SB00024060
    Art. Nr.: 25549
    From €572.54
    In Stock: 0 set
    Visma Quote
  17. PUROLINO PLUS 80 set for 1 panel, without track, stainless steel look, no soft closing mechanism
    PUROLINO PLUS 80 set for 1 panel, without track, stainless steel look, no soft closing mechanism
    Code: SB00024061
    Art. Nr.: 25551
    From €588.57
    In Stock: 0 set
    Visma Quote
  18. Wall profile for sealing and face plate fastening, 2500mm, anodized [17020]
    Wall profile for sealing and face plate fastening, 2500mm, anodized [17020]
    Code: SB00008380
    Art. Nr.: 17020
    From €130.86
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  19. Wall profile for sealing and face plate fastening, 2500mm, stainless steel look [20119]
    Wall profile for sealing and face plate fastening, 2500mm, stainless steel look [20119]
    Code: SB00024095
    Art. Nr.: 20119
    From €201.85
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  20. Wall profile for sealing and face plate fastening, 3500mm, anodized [17021]
    Wall profile for sealing and face plate fastening, 3500mm, anodized [17021]
    Code: SB00019562
    Art. Nr.: 17021
    From €183.42
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  21. Vertical sealing profile (set) set for fixed glass with glass distance 20-22 mm, 2500mm, anodized [20650]
    Vertical sealing profile (set) set for fixed glass with glass distance 20-22 mm, 2500mm, anodized [20650]
    Code: SB00024101
    Art. Nr.: 20650
    From €128.84
    In Stock: 0 kit
    Visma Quote
  22. Vertical sealing profile (set) set for fixed glass with glass distance, 3500mm, anodized
    Vertical sealing profile (set) set for fixed glass with glass distance, 3500mm, anodized
    Code: SB00024102
    Art. Nr.: 20651
    From €168.64
    In Stock: 0 kit
    Visma Quote
  23. Wall profile set for wall mounting, 2500mm, anodized [22144]
    Wall profile set for wall mounting, 2500mm, anodized [22144]
    Code: SB00024090
    Art. Nr.: 22144
    From €264.64
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  24. Wall profile set for wall mounting, 2500mm, stainless steel look [22145]
    Wall profile set for wall mounting, 2500mm, stainless steel look [22145]
    Code: SB00024092
    Art. Nr.: 22145
    From €378.20
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  25. Wall profile set for wall mounting, 3500mm, anodized [22146]
    Wall profile set for wall mounting, 3500mm, anodized [22146]
    Code: SB00024091
    Art. Nr.: 22146
    From €374.74
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  26. Wall profile set for wall mounting, 3500mm, stainless steel look [22147]
    Wall profile set for wall mounting, 3500mm, stainless steel look [22147]
    Code: SB00024093
    Art. Nr.: 22147
    From €533.33
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  27. End profile set for wall mounting, 2500mm, anodized [22148]
    End profile set for wall mounting, 2500mm, anodized [22148]
    Code: SB00024078
    Art. Nr.: 22148
    From €199.73
    In Stock: 0 kit
    Visma Quote
  28. End profile set for wall mounting, 2500mm, stainless steel look [22149]
    End profile set for wall mounting, 2500mm, stainless steel look [22149]
    Code: SB00024080
    Art. Nr.: 22149
    From €285.68
    In Stock: 0 kit
    Visma Quote
  29. End profile set for wall mounting, 3500mm, anodized [22150]
    End profile set for wall mounting, 3500mm, anodized [22150]
    Code: SB00008524
    Art. Nr.: 22150
    From €280.27
    In Stock: 0 kit
    Visma Quote
  30. End profile set for wall mounting, 3500mm, stainless steel look [22151]
    End profile set for wall mounting, 3500mm, stainless steel look [22151]
    Code: SB00024082
    Art. Nr.: 22151
    From €399.84
    In Stock: 0 kit
    Visma Quote
  31. Rubber profile to fixed glass 10.0-12.0 mm, black, roll 10 m [25789]
    Rubber profile to fixed glass 10.0-12.0 mm, black, roll 10 m [25789]
    Code: SB00019561
    Art. Nr.: 25789
    From €91.17
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  32. Rubber profile to fixed glass 12.1-13.1 mm, black, roll 10 m [25763]
    Rubber profile to fixed glass 12.1-13.1 mm, black, roll 10 m [25763]
    Code: SB00024076
    Art. Nr.: 25763
    From €91.17
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  33. Rubber profile to fixed glass 8.0-9.9 mm, black, roll 10 m [24787]
    Rubber profile to fixed glass 8.0-9.9 mm, black, roll 10 m [24787]
    Code: SB00024075
    Art. Nr.: 25787
    From €91.17
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  34. Rubber seal for end profile for wall mounting, black, roll 2,5 m [22040]
    Rubber seal for end profile for wall mounting, black, roll 2,5 m [22040]
    Code: SB00024087
    Art. Nr.: 22040
    From €67.12
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  35. Rubber seal for end profile for wall mounting, black, roll 3,5 m [22041]
    Rubber seal for end profile for wall mounting, black, roll 3,5 m [22041]
    Code: SB00024089
    Art. Nr.: 22041
    From €94.65
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  36. Seal profile for wall profile, black, roll 2,5 m [16452]
    Seal profile for wall profile, black, roll 2,5 m [16452]
    Code: SB00024094
    Art. Nr.: 16452
    From €90.77
    In Stock: 0 pc.
  37. Seal profile for wall profile, black, roll 3,5 m [16453]
    Seal profile for wall profile, black, roll 3,5 m [16453]
    Code: SB00019563
    Art. Nr.: 16453
    From €126.71
    In Stock: 1 pc.

Additional products

  • Products
  • Price
  • In Stock
  • Quantity
  1. HAWA floor stop for glass door, stainless steel look
    HAWA floor stop for glass door, stainless steel look
    Code: SB00008520
    Art. Nr.: 21473
    From €68.92
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  2. Side cover cap for PUROLINO profile, including grub screw, suitable to both sides, chrome matt
    Side cover cap for PUROLINO profile, including grub screw, suitable to both sides, chrome matt
    Code: SB00024097
    Art. Nr.: 24145
    From €39.20
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  3. Side cover cap for PUROLINO profile, including grub screw, suitable to both sides, stainless steel look
    Side cover cap for PUROLINO profile, including grub screw, suitable to both sides, stainless steel look
    Code: SB00024098
    Art. Nr.: 24080
    From €51.96
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  4.  Centering assembly, for all glass sliding doors, plastic grey
    Centering assembly, for all glass sliding doors, plastic grey
    Code: SB00008403
    Art. Nr.: 18619
    From €40.35
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  5. Centering assembly for all glass sliding doors, to wall profile, plastic black
    Centering assembly for all glass sliding doors, to wall profile, plastic black
    Code: SB00008405
    Art. Nr.: 18663
    From €59.98
    In Stock: 0 pc.
    Visma Quote
  6. Rubber profile, self-adhesive, for glass thickness 8/10 mm, glass distance 4 mm, roll 5 m, translucent
    Rubber profile, self-adhesive, for glass thickness 8/10 mm, glass distance 4 mm, roll 5 m, translucent
    Code: SB00024100
    Art. Nr.: 19445
    From €160.33
    In Stock: 0 m
    Visma Quote
Manufacturer Hawa
system type straight sliding door system
mode of operation manual
installation type pie sienas / pie griestiem / integrēts griestos
SOFT CLOSE possible
maximum opening width 2950 mm
purpose for interior doors
leaf material glass
leaf maximum weight 80 kg
leaf width līdz 3000 mm
glass thickness 8-12,7 mm
leaf height līdz 3000 mm
Augstuma regulēšana +/-3 mm
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