Elegant historic-style handle collection boasting modern security

German manufacturer P.Bisschop offers a unique 1930s-inspired handle collection featuring a modern anthracite finish. The shape of the handle ‘Grāfs Cepelīns’ (Count Zeppelin) resembles an aircraft of the same name, which flew over Latvia twice in the 30s. Fittings are made of stainless steel with a Farro-style finish, making them corrosion-resistant even when exposed to salt water and thus well-suited for seaside areas.

Exterior door security set 'GRĀFS CEPELĪNS' 8827/1901:

  • vertically oval backplate with an inactive knob on the outside
  • exterior backplate thickness:12 mm
  • without visible screws
  • with cylinder guard
  • anti-intruder security grade ES2
  • fire safety grade

'GRĀFS CEPELĪNS' product collection:

  • exterior security backplate with an inactive knob
  • handle set for interior doors with backplate type PZ or WC
  • various L-shape or T-shape handles for modern and historic windows, including ones opening outwards
  • screw-on, lift-off hinges for rebated and non-rebated doors

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