
If your selected items are in stock at the SB UN PARTNERI warehouse, we will send your order out as soon as possible – no later than within 2 working days. Dispatch hours: workdays from 8 AM to 3 PM (GMT+2).
Delivery options include OMNIVA parcel machines and home delivery right to your door by either us or a courier service.

If any of the items are not in stock at the time of your order, the estimated time for delivery from the manufacturer to the SB UN PARTNERI warehouse will be indicated via our online shop and your order confirmation email.
If you order an item of irregular finish or a custom set, and it is to be made specially for you, we will send the estimated delivery time via email.


Collect at the SB UN PARTNERI warehouse

  • FREE
  • Available to collect as soon as you receive a confirmation notice
  • Address: Rīga, Piedrujas iela 7A
  • Pick-up hours: working days 8 PM - 5 PM

Delivery to the OMNIVA parcel machine in

Price in LATVIA:  5.00 EUR + VAT
Price in LITHUANIA and ESTONIA:  7.00 EUR + VAT

  • Delivery time: 3-5 working days depending on parcel service capacity. 
  • Max parcel size: 63 x 38 x 37 cm
  • Max parcel weight: 30 kg
  • If any item exceeds the size limit, the delivery option to the OMNIVA parcel machine will not be available.

Delivery to a designated address in LATVIA, LITHUANIA, ESTONIA

Prices in LATVIA:
Consignment weight: up to 50 kg 10.00 EUR + VAT
Consignment weight: 50 - 100 kg 20.00 EUR + VAT
Consignment weight: over 100 kg 40.00 EUR + VAT
Consignment weight: up to 50 kg 15.00 EUR + VAT
Consignment weight: 50 - 100 kg 25.00 EUR + VAT
Consignment weight: over 100 kg 50.00 EUR + VAT
  • Estimated delivery time: within 3 working days
  • Maximum package length: 3000 mm
  • For items over 3000 mm in size delivery prices are calculated individually after receipt of the order. In this case, delivery prices indicated in the online shop may not be applicable.

Delivery outside the Baltics

Price: calculated upon request
All information regarding delivery options, prices and delivery times will be sent to you via email after receipt of the request.