HAWA PUROLINO PLUS 80 Hardware system for sliding glass doors
Product code
HAWA DIVIDO 80 H mehānismu sistēma bīdāmajām starpsienām
Ražotājs - HAWA (Šveice)HAWA DIVIDO ir fleksibla iekštelpu sadalīšanas sistēma ar bīdāmajām durvīm, kas izceļas ar skaidru, mūsdienīgu formas valodu, minimālu iebūves augstumu un atraktīvu dizainu. Sistēma ļauj realizēt daudzveidīgas radošas idejas telpu izbūvē, radot telpai variējamu pielietojumu vai nodrošinot privātuma aizsardzību - ideāls risinājums sabiedriskās ēkās, pansionātos, viesnīcās, kā arī dzīvojamās mājās, kur mitinās vairākas ģimenes vai paaudzes. Uzticama tehnoloģija ar apakšējiem vadošiem rullīšiem un smalkiem, augstvērtīgiem alumīnija profiliem nodrošina stabilitāti un vieglu slīdējumu koka vērtnēm līdz 80 kg. Sistēmas konstrukcija ļauj veidot plašus atvērumus ar vairākām šaurām vērtnēm, kas savietojamas kompaktā paketē, neaizņemot daudz vietas telpā. Pieejamas arī divu un trīs celiņu sliedes, kas ievērojami samazina montāžas darbu apjomu. Papildu komfortam sistēma papildināma ar Soft Close mehānismu klusai un maigai vērtnes nobremzēšanai.
Tehniskie dati
- bīdāmo mehānismu sistēma koka starpsienām un bīdāmajām durvīm
- atbilst augstākajai slodze klasei pēc EN 1527 (klase 6 = 100 000 testa ciklu)
- montāža pie grīdas ar apakšējo rullīšu vadību
- sliedes montāža:
- virsējā montāža - uzskrūvējama vai līmējama
- iegremdētā montāža
- viena, divu un trīs celiņu apakšējās un augšējās sliedes
- maksimālais vienas vērtnes svars: 80 kg
- vērtnes biezums: 28-30 mm
- maksimālais vērtnes augstums: 2400 mm
- maksimālais vērtnes platums: 2000 mm
- maksimālais kopējā atvēruma platums: 6000 mm
- augstuma regulēšana: +/- 3 mm
- sliežu garums:
- piegriežamas pēc individuāla izmēra
- standarta garums 6000 mm
- redzamo profilu apstrāde: alumīnijs anodēts
- papildu aprīkojums: Soft Close bremzēšanas mehānisms
HAWA DIVIDO 80 sliežu veidi
All prices include VAT
- Products
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- Quantity
HAWA DIVIDO 80 H basic set for 1 wooden doorCode: SB00009809Art. Nr.: 042.3026.075Price:From €303.61In Stock: 0 pc.
042.3089.990 running track flush mounted, aluminium anodized, cut to size (price per 1 m)Code: SB00024594Art. Nr.: 042.3089.990Price:From €17.04In Stock: 0 m
042.3040.990 running/guiding track surface mounted, aluminium anodized, cut to size (price per 1 m)Code: SB00024600Art. Nr.: 042.3040.990Price:From €21.76In Stock: 0 m
042.3080.990 running track for glueing, aluminium anodized, cut to size (price per 1 m)Code: SB00024601Art. Nr.: 042.3080.990Price:From €28.66In Stock: 0 m
042.3039.990 dual mounting track for 042.3037, aluminium anodized, cut to size (price per 1 m)Code: SB00024597Art. Nr.: 042.3039.990Price:From €39.95In Stock: 0 m
042.3037.990 running/guiding track for 042.3039, aluminium anodized, cut to size (price per 1 m)Code: SB00024598Art. Nr.: 042.3037.990Price:From €13.85In Stock: 0 m
042.3041.990 running/guiding track surface mounted, pre-drilled, aluminium anodized, cut to size (price par 1 m)Code: SB00009815Art. Nr.: 042.3041.990Price:From €64.15In Stock: 0 m
042.3081.990 Dual running track surface mounted, pre-drilled, aluminium anodized, cut to size (price per 1 m)Code: SB00024603Art. Nr.: 042.3081.990Price:From €74.51In Stock: 0 m
042.3082.990 triple running track surface mounted, pre-drilled, aluminium anodized, cut to size (price per 1 m)Code: SB00024605Art. Nr.: 042.3082.990Price:From €90.59In Stock: 0 m
042.3049.990 single guide track, aluminium anodized, cut to size (price per 1 m)Code: SB00009817Art. Nr.: 042.3049.990Price:From €64.15In Stock: 0 m
042.3011.990 dual guide track, aluminium anodized, cut to size (price per 1 m)Code: SB00024607Art. Nr.: 042.3011.990Price:From €87.57In Stock: 0 m
042.3085.990 triple guide track, aluminium anodized, cut to size (price per 1 m)Code: SB00024610Art. Nr.: 042.3085.990Price:From €208.25In Stock: 0 m
DIVIDO 80 Soft Close set for 1 door 10-60 kgCode: SB00024580Art. Nr.: 042.3103.072Price:From €162.08In Stock: 0 pc.
DIVIDO 80 Soft Close set for 1 door 61-80 kgCode: SB00009829Art. Nr.: 042.3103.071Price:From €162.08In Stock: 0 pc.
Additional products
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042.3089.600 running track flush mounted, aluminium anodized, 6000 mmCode: SB00009825Art. Nr.: 042.3089.600Price:From €74.43In Stock: 0 pc.
042.3040.600 running/guiding track surface mounted, aluminium anodized, 6000 mmCode: SB00024599Art. Nr.: 042.3040.600Price:From €16.55In Stock: 0 pc.
042.3080.600 running track for glueing, aluminium anodized, 6000 mmCode: SB00009819Art. Nr.: 042.3080.600Price:From €128.01In Stock: 0 pc.
042.3039.600 dual mounting track for 042.3037, aluminium anodized, 6000 mmCode: SB00024596Art. Nr.: 042.3039.600Price:From €177.69In Stock: 0 pc.
042.3037.600 running/guiding track for 042.3039, aluminium anodized, 6000 mmCode: SB00024595Art. Nr.: 042.3037.600Price:From €62.10In Stock: 0 pc.
042.3041.600 dual running/guiding track surface mounted, pre-drilled, aluminium anodized, 6000 mmCode: SB00009816Art. Nr.: 042.3041.600Price:From €284.76In Stock: 0 pc.
042.3081.600 dual running track surface mounted, pre-drilled, aluminium anodized, 6000 mmCode: SB00024604Art. Nr.: 042.3081.600Price:From €331.49In Stock: 0 pc.
042.3082.600 triple running track surface mounted, pre-drilled, aluminium anodized, 6000 mmCode: SB00024606Art. Nr.: 042.3082.600Price:From €403.14In Stock: 0 pc.
042.3038.990 clip cover for 042.3039/042.3041/042.081/042.3082, aluminium anodized, cut to size (price per 1 m)Code: SB00009813Art. Nr.: 042.3038.990Price:From €21.66In Stock: 0 m
042.3038.600 clip cover for 042.3039/042.3041/042.081/042.3082, aluminium anodized, 6000 mmCode: SB00009814Art. Nr.: 042.3038.600Price:From €93.85In Stock: 0 pc.
042.3049.600 single guide track, aluminium anodized, 6000 mmCode: SB00009818Art. Nr.: 042.3049.600Price:From €284.76In Stock: 0 pc.
042.3011.600 dual guide track, aluminium anodized, 6000 mmCode: SB00009808Art. Nr.: 042.3011.600Price:From €390.72In Stock: 0 pc.
042.3085.600 triple guide track, aluminium anodized, 6000 mmCode: SB00024609Art. Nr.: 042.3085.600Price:From €578.91In Stock: 0 pc.
DIVIDO 80 intermediate stop for upper track, not compatible with Soft Close, plastic greyCode: SB00009810Art. Nr.: 042.3031.071Price:From €11.94In Stock: 0 pc.
DIVIDO 80 track end piece for 042.3080, plastic grey, 2 pcsCode: SB00009822Art. Nr.: 042.3087.081Price:From €24.04In Stock: 0 pāris
DIVIDO 80 track end piece for 042.3089, plastic grey, 2 pcsCode: SB00009826Art. Nr.: 042.3090.081Price:From €16.40In Stock: 0 pāris
Manufacturer | Hawa |
Series | DIVIDO |
system type | straight sliding door system |
mode of operation | manual |
installation type | pie grīdas / integrēts grīdā |
SOFT CLOSE | possible |
maximum opening width | 6000 mm |
purpose | for indoors |
leaf material | wood |
leaf maximum weight | 80 kg |
leaf width | līdz 2000 mm |
leaf thickness | 28-30 mm |
leaf height | līdz 2400 mm |
Augstuma regulēšana | +/-3 mm |